Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Relics - Every Tiny Diamond

Recorded over the course of four weekends last October, Every Tiny Diamond, the new EP from The Relics has a great modern, blues-tinged rock sound while also harkening back to the classic rock and soulful blues of artists like Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and even a little Chris Whitley.  That is especially evident in the stellar guitar work of RYAN that is showcased in every track.  He also fronts the band with his rich, soulful vocals.  All of that by no means minimizes the musicianship of the rhythm section of drummer Joey Marano and bassist Nick Dutiel, who both hold their own and complement his guitar and vocals perfectly.  The first three tracks "Blind", "Reach For The Sky" and the title track are all slow burning bluesy rockers with hooks galore and incredible textures and atmosphere, while the closer "Asking Questions", which still has plenty of a rock edge, puts a little more emphasis on the blues and also does a great job of letting each band member stretch out a little bit on their instrument.  Do yourself a favor and search this one out, because it deserves to be heard.  

(The Relics - Facebook)

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