Sunday, May 26, 2024

Extra Arms - Radar

Originally known as Ryan Allen & His Extra Arms, the initial idea for the Extra Arms was for Allen to play all the main instruments, while friends would play the ones he couldn't.  Since then they have evolved into a full-fledged band and therefore the band name is now just His Extra Arms.  Having said that, while the core band plays on the new album, there is also a list of guest musicians.  The root of their sound on Radar is mostly hook-heavy power pop, often with a smart sense of humor lyrically, but there are also elements of indie rock, punk and even some country to keep things fresh and add a bit of diversity.  “Be Someone Else” kicks the album off and opens with some Farfisa organ and then explodes into a punchy power pop gem with a bit of an early Elvis Costello vibe.  Although still high energy and just as infectious, “Everything Disappears” and “All Good Things Take Time” are slightly more restrained (the latter is also notable for its great “na na na” chorus and the album’s first guest appearance with the interesting addition of Jessi Dills on trumpet).  “I Don’t Wanna Surrender” has a ragged Replacements like punk edge, while “Inflatable Boys” adds an eighties touch with drum machine and synth flourishes along with a great guitar solo that you can almost visualize being in an old MTV music video.  They shift gears a bit on “Space and Time”, an awesome country rock ballad that has some killer harmonies and pedal steel from guest Dave Feeny (not to lessen the other tracks, but I would love to hear them do a whole album like this).  Next up is the driving, straight-ahead anthemic “Shut ‘Em Down” followed by “Mad Dog Blue” which adds a bit of a jangly guitar and a hint of Cheap Trick.  After a short acoustic guitar intro, “Your Highness” is another infectious power pop tune, but with a bit of a gritty edge, and thanks to Matt Jones’ appearance on sax, there is a bit of a Springsteen flavor to album closer “Sit Back Up”.  Radar is an extremely solid release from start to finish and will have you bouncing your head, tapping your toes and singing along.    

(Extra Arms)


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